Dr. Jagbir Singh

(M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D and MBA in Disaster Management)

Recognized by United Nations for Disaster Risk Reduction  in 2019, Geneva City, Switzerland

Three months course on Religion, Conflict and Peace from  Harvard University, USA

Member: India International Center, Lodi Road, New Delhi

Dr.  Jagbir Singh is a Professor Associate in University of Delhi at Swami Shraddhanand College in Dept. of Geography. For four Years, he had been appointed as Professor-cum-Director on Deputation basis in Haryana Government (India), University for Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Chair for Sustainable Development at Sonepat.

Visited Countries for Academic Purposes: USA, Canada, France, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Singapore, Maldives, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Nepal, Fiji, Bangladesh, Switzerland etc.

Dr. Jagbir Singh has convened thirty International Conferences-cum-workshops  and fifty National Conferences and workshops related to Disaster Management, Environment and Sustainable Development. He has written fifteen research papers in International and National Journals and  twenty books including Disaster Management, Tsunami Disaster, Environment and Development and his new book on  Mass Disasters & Crisis Management Skills  is in under progress (  to be released in 2021).

Dr. Singh is the first Indian Research Scientist to complete a Ph.D. on Ecological and Environmental Threats to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. He has also completed his MBA degree in Disaster Management from IP Govt. University, New Delhi, India. He delivered a guest lecture at Indiana State University, USA in 2012. He presented his paper in an International Conference, held at Philadelphia, Winder University, USA. His book on Disaster Management : A Data Analysis Approach was released by Her Excellency, the Head of UN DRR,  Switzerland.

Administration and Academic Experiences:

Member of Advisory Board  of  Center for Environment and Disaster Management, Himachal Pradesh Law University, Shimla, India.

Member of University Grant Commission (UGC)  Course Mapping for the Subject Geography, 2020.

Former Member of University Grant Commission: Expert Committee for coordinating the development of curriculum for Under-Graduate Courses under the Choice Based Credit System-2015-17.

Former Elected Member: Academic Council, University of Delhi.

Former Member of Empowered Committee, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Former Member:  Biodiversity Board, Govt. of Haryana.

Former Member of Inspection Committee: Bar Council of India

Former Chairman & Head : DCRUST, Govt. University, Murthal, Haryana.

External Expert Advisor: TGSF, Canada.

Examiner of Thesis of University of Sydney, Australia; Kathmandu University, Nepal; MD University, Rohtak, Haryana; Jodhpur University, Rajasthan.

Life Members: International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Canada, ,Press Club of India and The Indian Geographical Society

President: National Task Force for Disaster Management (a unit of aifpdm).

Chairman: India International Intellectual Society (iiis), India.

Advisor: International Women’s Club ( a unit of unf)

Advisor, HERA, Portugal

Specialization:  Disaster Management, Environment and Sustainable Development & Spatial Information Technology .


1. Prof. Gurmeet Singh

Vice Chancellor, Pondicherry Central Govt. University

2. Prof. Nishtha Jaswal

Vice Chancellor

Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla