Dr. Stephanie Marie Coo

Dr. Stephanie Marie Coo, known socially as “Typ Typ” Coo, is the award-winning author of Clothing the Colony: Nineteenth century Philippine Sartorial Culture, 1820-1898 (Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2019).  Out of 247 entries from all over the world, Clothing the Colony was the only book from Asia, which was nominated, longlisted, shortlisted, and finally won the prestigious IIAS-ICAS International Book Prize 2021 – Best Book in Humanities, English Language Edition. The prize was awarded by Leiden University’s International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), which hosts the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS). Her pioneering work was recognized for its outstanding scholarship and for providing new, original and decisive knowledge about Philippine colonial society while introducing innovative perspectives of analysis that can be applied to the study of colonial societies in general.


Dr. Coo is currently a Marie Curie Postdoctoral fellow at the Universidad de Granada in Spain and NOVA School of Law- Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and a Master’s degree in History from the Jesuit-run Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. She completed her PhD in History at the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis in France, having been unanimously conferred très honorable avec félicitations du jury, the highest distinction in the French university system.


She trained under prominent Philippinists in Europe. In France, her doctoral studies were supervised by Professor Baron Xavier Huetz de Lemps (author of “L´Archipel Des Epices: La Corruption de L´Administration Espagnole Aux Philippines, Fin XVIII-Fin XIX Siecle“). In Spain and in Portugal, her postdoctoral project is supervised by Dr. Ana Ruiz Gutierrez (author of “El Galeon de Manila”) and Professor Armando Marques Guedes (Full Professor, Director of CEDIS; former President of the Portuguese Diplomatic Institute). She is working on a book anthology on “The Politics of Dress” with Dr. M.L. Pat Chirapravati (Yale-NUS/Sacramento State University) and is co-authoring a book about the Philippine collections found in German archives with Professor Armando Marques Guedes. She is also collaborating with Prof. Dr. Roger Friedlein for the Philippine Studies Program at Ruhr University in Germany.


A fourth-generation Philippine Chinese born in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental and educated in, among others, Manila, Beijing and Nice, she was Chair of the Internationalization Committee and Coordinator for Internationalization of the Loyola Schools (2018-2019) and Assistant Professor at the Department of History of the Ateneo de Manila University, where she has been teaching since 2002. She is also a member of the scientific committee of several projects in the Philippines, Spain, Portugal and Germany.


Dr. Coo is the recipient of several awards and grants, including the 2018 Merit Research Awards from the Institute of Philippine Culture, with funding grants from the Ford Foundation. As an invited lecturer of ICOMOS, Universidad de Granada (Spain), Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Museu do Oriental (Portugal), Ruhr University and University of Cologne (Germany), Yale-NUS (Singapore), Busan University of Foreign Studies (South Korea) and so on, she has shared her knowledge and expertise on a wide range of topics including Colonial Clothing Culture, Clothing and Gender in Literature, and Overseas Chinese in the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiatives and the Philippine National Quincentennial Committee’s Commemorations on the 500 anniversary of the Magellan expedition.


Dr. Coo’s leadership in various initiatives has opened pathways of cooperation between the Philippines and other nations through knowledge exchange and collaborative research projects carried out under the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs, Philippine Foreign Service Institute, Office of Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, Philippine Consulate-General in Frankfurt and Philippine Embassy in Lisbon.


Having trained and stayed at various times in her life in numerous cities, notably Beijing, Nice, Tunis, Boston, Granada, and Lisbon, her work, travels and social engagements have been featured in newspapers and magazines such as CNN Philippines, L’Officiel Manila, The Manila Times, Diário de Notícias, Ideal, BusinessWorld, etc.


Dr. Stephanie Marie Coo wins the prestigious IIAS-ICAS International Book Prize 2021 as the Best Book in Humanities – English Language Edition.

All details may be found here: https://novalaw.unl.pt/en/destaques/stephanie-marie-coo-won-the-prestigious-iias-icas-international-book-prize-2021-as-the-best-book-in-humanities-english-language-edition/

Photos: see attached

• IMG_20200106: Dr. Stephanie Marie Coo with Evelio Leonardia, Mayor of Bacolod City, Philippines

• IMG-f4228ef54dad: Dr. Stephanie Marie Coo with H.E. Celia Anna M. Feria, Philippine Ambassador to Portugal

Organised every two years, together with the ICAS conference, the IBP has grown from a small experiment (50 books and 5 dissertations in 2005), to the leading Book Prize in the field of Asian Studies, with 600 books and 150 dissertations submitted for the 2019 edition.