Subodh Narain Agrawal

SUBODH NARAIN AGRAWAL Euromax Capital Founder & Chairman with 40 years’ top level experience.

Participated in M&A transactions valued in excess of $30bn particularly in the telecom, steel, oil and gas and mining sectors and has advised on equity & other financings in excess of $10bn in infrastructure, engineering, metals, media, textiles, aviation, mining, hospitality etc. in India, Africa and Europe including for Indian majors like Tata, Reliance, Essar, Jindal’s and Welspun & global majors like Alfa Group of Russia, CTCE China etc.

Subodh had been instrumental in Euromax push in Africa resulting in projects worth several billions with some of the top companies in India, South East Asia and Europe and recently major push in Middle East.

It’s a multi-domain group with business interests in -manufacturing of premier global ‘cutting edge niche technology’ from leading companies across the globe , Commodities trading , Natural resources , Solar generation, Media , entertainment etc.

Instrumental in Euromax entering into a J/V with SAE Capital – Last mega deal closed was 12.2 billion euro acquisition of WIND TELECOM Subodh had developed Strategic partnership with China Centre for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) the main scope of work for CCIEE is to conduct research on major international and domestic economic issues, to conduct international exchanges and cooperation, to provide government with intellectual support.

Pioneered LNG in India in 1995 creating a Joint Venture with Govt. of India Co. for the construction of a $1.3 billion facility of a private natural gas reseller in India.

In doing so, Subodh single handed handled ‟Take or Pay’’ arrangements, regulatory approvals, cost and feasibility analysis, local and national economic impact studies, risk analysis, project finance structuring and creating a major equity consortium.

Subodh enjoys very strong and long relationships at strategic levels across the world and enjoys special relationships and confidence of business and political leaders in India, South East Asia, Africa, Middle East and East Europe. Also served as Member on the Boards/ Advisory Boards of several Public and Private Companies straddling a wide spectrum of industries including media & entertainment, infrastructure, IT, fashion etc.

Subodh is goodwill ambassador for IIMSAM an intergovernmental institution under charter of United Nations for micro-algae Spirulina against malnutrition , composed primarily of several sovereign states, established on multilateral diplomatic arrangements.

Subodh has been in past – special advisor to the ‘Olusegun Obasanjo’ foundation, founded by the former president of Nigeria, which is involved in the advancement of human security throughout Africa. a Trustee of Pratham UK [India’s premier charity literacy movement involved in the education of 100 million children], had served as Director of The Rajasthan Foundation. India Japan global partnership (IJGP) among others .

He is a Patron of ‘The Loomba Foundation’, a charity caring for widows and children.

Subodh is on The Advisory committee of Indo European Business forum.

He received Society ‘Global Indian Icon’ award in 2018 for outstanding achievement in business, he had received in 2017 ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ Award at the Asian Business Awards, which recognize Asian business excellence, acumen and achievement and in 2016 ‘Leader of the decade’ creating bonds beyond boundaries at Women Economic Forum.

He brings a rare earthy, international touch to all deals he works on, has consistently demonstrated strong leadership abilities.

Above all, Subodh is best known for his ability to think big and face challenges head on.